Company History

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To optimize the Company’s position in the aviation parts distribution Industry, BPOL through its subsidiary Jet Aviation Corp. (“Jet”) commenced operations with five key goals and objectives:

1) Develop a vision and insight regarding Industry trends and customer’s needs.

2) Possess the ability and tools to effectively respond to immediate opportunities presented In the industry.

3) Have a network of vendors and suppliers

4) No debt and unrecoverable carrying costs due to obsolete equipment on balance sheet

5) Maintain extremely low overhead costs

Management intends to make Jet successful by reducing costs, making self-service and solution-centered support services available, individualizing goods and services per customer request, and building customer relationships. By handing customers more control over the service, they encounter, Jet intends to build honesty and trust, while streamlining customer service. Jet intends to improve overall service through lower costs and more product options, which will enhance customer satisfaction and increase demand. Thus, customer relationships shall be built through loyalty programs along with quality products at competitive prices.

Jet shall dedicate itself to an organizational structure that complements its parent corporation BlackPoll Fleet International, Inc. Employees shall be given the power to take control and make decisions based on quality. Jet strives for a balance between work and life. These ideas shall yield a team focused on continual Innovation, proactive strategies, and a positive working environment.

Jet plans to maintain success through using the right combination of technology and business strategy. Management increased its technological experience through research, and then matched the results with economic strategies which helped target competitive advantages. With the continued Innovation of technology, including advances in managerial, organizational, and operational techniques, Jet plans to increase its reputation in the industry.

BPOL intends to maintain open communication channels with its shareholders to strengthen the Company’s relationships. Management states communication has always been the key to delivering products on time. This will boost the Company’s reputation, and aid in marketing efforts and building relationships.

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